Hi - I’m Jane, maker-in-chief at Chocolate from Narnia.
I make all our delicious chocolate from my home (Narnia!) in Mauchline, Ayrshire.
Got questions about our chocolate, or need a recommendation? Just get in touch - I’m always happy to help.
How we got started
Having had various jobs over my working life, moved to several different areas within the United Kingdom and had a family, I still always had a craving to open my own business but could never quite visualise what that business would look like or how I would go about opening one. Most of my friends and family know that I love cooking and in particular making puddings and anything that has chocolate in it. So it was no surprise that I progressed to blending chocolate with other delicious ingredients. I always laughed and said that one day I might open a chocolate shop, but I never had the nerve or the confidence to actually do it.
Then I retired from a stressful job and just afterwards the Coronavirus pandemic hit everyone, so like many people all of our plans for the future changed. I found that I had time on my hands so I created more chocolaty treats and someone said “why don’t you sell your chocolates?”. I instantly said “who me? no I couldn’t.... could I?”.
So in 2021 and after plenty of sleepless nights and a lot of help from my family and friends my chocolate and business dreams started to turn into reality.
It’s been a very steep learning curve but the business has now grown way beyond my wildest dreams and we have gone from having only one chocolate variety to many that you can choose from.
Why ‘Narnia’?
Why Chocolate from Narnia you might ask?
Well in 2013 we moved to Ayrshire in Scotland and found a house that we loved. And because it is slightly hidden away and from the outside, you would never know how lovely it is, we called it Narnia from the very first moment we saw it.
As I make the chocolate in my own kitchen of course it made sense to call the business Chocolate from Narnia.
So, please join me and travel from Narnia to another world of chocolate heaven!